The Force (Present as a couple)
The Force is a letter that tells us about very good relationships with everyone we have in our life and, especially, with our partner. This letter tells us that the relationship the client is living is one of the best taking into account his way of being and thinking. In a way, we can say that this letter tells us that he has found his ideal person.
In the case of singles, the letter tells us that they must make an effort if they really want to get this person to share their life with. The truth is that the Force tells us about people of great convictions who are not easy to convince or make change and, possibly, this is the greatest impediment they have in finding a suitable stable relationship for them.
The Star (Relationships as a couple)
Regarding intimacy, the Star's letter tells us about a lot of love, romanticism and tender moments. It tells us about relationships that are in a good moment in this regard, but also encourages us to continue looking for ways to enjoy of intimacy with the couple. In this way, it will be how we will ensure that the passion is never lost and the relationship is in the best of states.
As for singles, they may not have exactly what they would like to have, but they're not bad either. The best thing about this letter in this position is that it tells us that if we continue as we are, we will soon find what we are looking for. It is a letter that also encourages us to discover our strengths and weaknesses and learn about our bodies.
The Moon (Future as a couple)
The future of the couple is not at all clear at the moment and it is that, if we had to be guided by this letter, we could say that these relationships have no future. But, the good thing about this letter is that it encourages us to think and rethink the relationship we have, because as there is still passion, changes can be made and can be very positive.
For singles, this letter tells them that they have no future whatsoever the way they are going now and that important changes will be necessary to improve the relationship they have or find it. Again, we can say that this letter is positive in the sense that it tells us that not everything is lost, but that it is time to make the changes that we believe necessary in order to improve the loving aspect of our lives.