Marseille Tarot

Select 3 Cards


Meet the Tarot de Marseille
What started as a game several centuries ago ended up becoming the most widely used method of divination. This did not respond to the whim of a fashion, but to the power of a symbology capable of revealing the secrets of the world and putting them at your service. The aesthetics of the Marseille tarot is much more than that; its colors and elements refer us to the depths of our being, to reveal aspects of our personality and of the people we love and surround us with, which we could not have imagined had we not known them through the arcana.
Since the divinatory power of the tarot was discovered, those who are in charge of large groups of people or even entire States, have consulted the arcanes of Marseille in order to make the best decisions.
For a long time, accessing a tarot consultation involved spending a large sum of money, so not everyone could do it. However, the advancement of technology has allowed this ancient knowledge to reach you and so you can make your inquiry today. The Tarot de Marseille opens your eyes to visualize your present from an external perspective, while telling you everything you want to know about your future.

Preparation for tarot reading
Preparation is what will ensure that the meaning reaches you in the purest way possible, while allowing you to interpret it objectively. Keep in mind that subjectivity is a powerful enemy when it comes to crumbling a message as sensitive as the one transmitted by the tarot.
For this reason, we recommend that you settle in a quiet place, where your body should not withstand tension or discomfort. Now take a deep breath and think about what you want to ask. Never visualize the result that you would like to obtain, but you must imagine the situation in the form of a question mark. Put all your trust in the tarot, since this is how you will receive the message in its clearest and most accurate form.

How is reading done?
Pass your gaze over the letters that unfold before you. Although they are backwards, they transmit the energy necessary for you to choose the right ones. When one of them makes your eyes stick to it, it's time to select it.
Click on each of the three cards that catch your attention and wait for each one to reach the box it has for. Once all three are ready, the message will be revealed to you. Read it carefully and connect it with your reality.